The #1 HBCU Community

The Best Ways to Celebrate Homecoming

The Best Ways to Celebrate Homecoming

  1. Go to the Game

             Homecoming games at an HBCU are the best ways to celebrate. Especially if you are really into the band.

2. Get Tickets to the Homecoming Parties

          Grab your friends and go to all of the Homecoming Parties that your school has to offer. Whether it’s on campus or off-campus.

          3. Meet Your Campus’ Alumni

          If you are looking for a job, internship, or you are looking for more advice about your school, meet an alumni. Homecoming week, the Homecoming games and any new students are adored by everyone who graduates because they are reminded of the good times on campus.

           4. Run for Homecoming Pageant

            Surprisingly, most colleges have Homecoming Pageants where you can run for Mr and Miss Homecoming. If you think that you have what it takes, do it!




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