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EXCLUSIVE: Dr Kimberly Wise White on STEM, Texas Southern, FOSSI, American Chemistry Council

EXCLUSIVE: Dr Kimberly Wise White on STEM, Texas Southern, FOSSI, American Chemistry Council

In this interview, Dr Kimberly Wise White, Vice President of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs at the American Chemistry Council starts off talking about her upbringing and her love for science. Then she talks about how one can tell that they will be good in science. She goes on to talk about her experience earning three degrees from an HBCU. From there she talks about her hiring philosophy. After that, Dr White talked about humility and how doing the work is more important than accolades. Then she talks about her career path and how she's navigated in corporate America. She concluded by talking about how businesses can benefit from scientists, why mentees and mentors are important and how they plan to award scholarships to 1000 students by 2025.

What Is The Meaning of HBCU?

What Is The Meaning of HBCU?

EXCLUSIVE: Dr Kimberly Wise White: 1 Million STEM Jobs Will Be Created Over The Next 10 Years

EXCLUSIVE: Dr Kimberly Wise White: 1 Million STEM Jobs Will Be Created Over The Next 10 Years